Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's a Mappy, Lacy, Pearly Birdhouse

 I made this for the volunteer fire department Christmas bazaar.
 I used a map of Redding, and decoupaged it on the sides.

 The roofs are lace covered and the eves are pearly.
 What bird would not want to live in here?


Nancy said...

That is so neat! I haven't been here for so long. You have been one busy craftin' travelin gardenin' gal. Hope you are well, Lynn and have your cpap back up and running. xo Nancy

Patricia said...

What a great idea using a map for papering the bird house. I bet it sold quickly.

Lora said...

I love this! You should totally let people special order these and use maps of their own neighborhood for the papering!