Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where's It At, Bitch?

On Saturday I shall be officially OLD.
A card-carrying codger.
Of course, I knew it was coming, but...
And I mean that sincerely.

I got this card from my daughter.It's kind of an inside joke.
What it is like living with an English teacher.


Blondie's Journal said...

I have concluded that you are not looking forward to this birthday.


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Happy Birthday Girl they going get better from here...How old is Old...I can bet you I have you beat by many years ha ha!! Hope all is well in your world have a good one...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Lori E said...

I love funny cards. I edited that sentence 3 times. Now that I know you are an English teacher I will be forever editing my comments. Shit.
I hope you have a fabulous birthday. Getting older isn't bad. I just tell people I am in my really, really, really late 30's.

Lynn said...

I'm 50-15

Prim Rose Hill ©2008-2020 said...

Hope you have a fabulous birthday, no matter what the age! I say I'm 39.99999. ;) LOVE that card!! What a hoot!

Lynn Stevens said...

Hahaha, too funny, well I hope your Birthday is extra special anyway! hey the new 40 is 30 right?

Pearly said...

Getting your medicare card is like hearing an alarm. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TIME?" "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?"

wherever your birthday party is held, I hope it is a good one. Remember you are loved!

Anonymous said...


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Lynn this card is hysterical!

Every day is a birthday as far as I'm concerned..make sure to CELEBRATE!! :-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I didn't figure out how old you are going to be. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Love the card!

Claudia said...

That card is hysterical! Just my style, I might add. And perfect for an English teacher. Happy Birthday, today!


Nancy said...

Well Happy Birthday to you, Lynn! Come to Paper Cowgirl next year and we'll have an early party for you! xoxo Nancy

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday, Lynn! You are gorgeous and, thank GAWD, a real person in blogland. I am so not me on my blogs 'cuz I guess I am for real a *itch! The world is going to 4311 in a hand basket and I must post about drivel. :-)

The move? Point blank...even if we ate lentils for every meal we would not have enough $$$ to live in Santa Clara county. Plus, the house hasn't sold and my realtor doesn't think it will anytime soon. (maybe if she would show it? huh? just askin') So, we are on track to rent the ski house, get an Airstream and park it close to work for the few days M is in town for work and then park it in marvelous places all over CA for me to enjoy while he is gone. I'm hereby volunteering to help on the ranch and that will give you a year's worth of blogging material if you can stop laughing! Of course, he is sending out resumes and we may land somewhere that a hamburger is in the budget.

Enjoy your life experience. It is much better to be over 50 right now!