Our daddy built us a tree house high in a tree in our back yard. I am busy writing it's story. In this tree house, I learned many new and interesting things.
Perhaps I shall share them with you later.
This seems to be the only photograph of it. It was taken by a representative our small town news paper. I think I was 12 or 13 here. This would make my brother, Bobby around nine.
Wonder how long this danger would last in any tree today.
Ah a tree house. Must have been a wonderful place for just plain getting away. Everyone should have a space of their very own.
Take care and have a wonderful weekend.
Title of the book would be Things I Learned in a Tree House.
Hey You!
FYI In that tree house? I learned how to smoke, cuss and kiss! I still do two of those goddamm things. Muah!
fabulous photo! There's an old treehouse up the lane a bit. Been there forever out in the old cow pasture. Think I will introduce it to my grand-daughter when she comes this month. :)
It was becoming of age
That is so cool! I can't wait to hear all about it. Love the picture.
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