Monday, February 15, 2010

Look What Fell Out of One of Our Cows!


The Muse said...

oh gosh...your post so reminds me of a childhood story... (best not type in the open though! LOL)

Pam @ Frippery said...


Mama-Face said...

haha. Congrats.

Kat said...

Congrats! So cute! Kathy

Pat@BPM said...

This is one of the things we miss most, since moving from the farm 6 years ago. Calving! Love those little babies!

Melissa said...

OMG...You would probably laugh at the way I will stop dead in the road when I see a baby cow, I know a calf, but I like calling them babies. I love animals so much! Thanks for sharing, now my whole family has seen your baby cow, even my Chihuahua

Lori R. said...

Oh my!!! It's that time of year again... the part I miss most after we sold all our cattle 2 years ago. I used to get the best exercise, looking for newborns.