Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Odd. I Never Was Compelled To Take Photos Of The Scenery On My Way To Mother's Day Brunch In Southern California

 That is Rob in front of us. He took the boat so he could go fishing after the festivities.

 See that picturesque bridge down there?

 There's Lady Shasta all dressed in white.
 And Lake Shasta.  This is where the menfolk fish.  Sometimes we wemmins go too.  Here is how I fish:  Rich puts some stuff on the pole, along with a floaty thing.  I put it in the water and drink champagne until the floaty thing dances around and then I pull it up.
 This picture doesn't quite show the grandeur of the mountain.

 Emily is the newest mommy.
 I ate this.  Yes, I did.  ALL of it.  Want to make something of it?
Halie's gift to her mom gave us all a big laugh!


Anonymous said...
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Carolyn said...

That's a cute, hilarious gift!

Year Old Birthday Party Ideas

Lynn said...

Hello ROB.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful pictures. Looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day.