Monday, July 6, 2009


My sister, Barbie and her Hub John, (two of my favorite people) just left to go back to Folsom. Of course they brought their 2 dogs. (I have a "Two Dog" admission fee to get into my house)
The Hubs love each other as much the sisters.
The dogs expend a lot of energy trying to be the Favorite Dog.

Lexie is De-sausted from all that playing and running.

Oh, and the other sister? Went to a block party and accidentally dropped her Blackberry into her drink.


Lori R. said...

Sweet puppies, gotta love "um. So when does this "July Thing" happen? It is July and I didn't know if you would let us know or not. Since I have only been a reader since April, I just don't know, like others might. I do enjoy each of your posts and am an avid follower, so does that make me part of the cyber fam. that gets to celebrate along with you, does it involve cake? If so, I'm There!!!!

mzbehavin said...

CAKE?????? WHERE???? Lynn.... I've taken 2 days to take a good look at your blog...... You put me to shame......... First... the layout and pictures are beyond gorgeous........ and than I turned to the writing........ I needed an inhaler to get through "How to go on a diet"........ ( I want a written copy) What else can I say??? Thank You Blogworld, that we stumbled across each other...

Lori R. said...

Thanks Lynn for fillin' me in...SOOOO it could involve CAKE!

Alex the Girl said...

Slap me silly, for a minute I thought desausted was a new word for castration. I was like, poor dog, no wonder he's out.

drollgirl said...

BAAHHA! this pic is so cute! love it!

Lynn said...

Ohhhhhhhh I love to see them sleep like this, Cooper does all the time :)