Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday

Go visit Susan for more outdoor Wednesday posts.

It's still growing after 15 days of 100+ temperatures.

My sister gave me the "Flowers and Song" rock, and I didn't even have to whine and beg for it!


My name is Riet said...

Lovely pictures. lots of green.

Lori E said...

15 days, oh I don't want to hear that. B.C. is having 100+ temps now and very high humidity for us. We are usually around 75-85 degrees. Hot nights too.
I was hoping to get off with a week max.
You must be taking good care of the garden because it is doing well.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh my your gardens look so beautiful. Your coleus really looks healthy. Love the flowers and song rock. That is just precious tucked in there so neatly. Job well done friend. You definitely have a green thumb. Thanks for sharing this lovely day. Country Hugs, Sherry

Regina said...

Beautiful shots. Happy outdoor.

Lynn said...

I am loving your garden Lynn :) So hard to keep things growing in those temps too.

Joanne said...

What Lori said -- I can't even imagine 15 days of 100+

Oh PS I looked back and read your post about your daredevil son - YIKES.

Candy said...

What a cool looking rock garden.
The stuff from the dumpster was in the last group pic. ice skates, cups baby jean jumper , silk scarves, material scraps, and that cute little Pooh bear.

Laura said...

I love your combination of plants- and I enjoyed visiting.

I will be back!

I too am a retired teacher.

Thank Goodness!!!


Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely spot you've made for yourself and your family. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

drollgirl said...

yay! that is pretty amazing to be thriving in such horrid weather!

SmilingSally said...

Fifteen days of 100º--oh, you poor thing! I do hope you have air conditioning and a book to read! Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Lynn

It's a challenge keeping a garden alive in thsoe 100+ temperatures unless you only grow cactus, My sister and sister-in-law are both in the Phoeniz, AZ area dealing with the same thing.

Stay cool!