Sunday, October 25, 2009

Out of the mouths of Students

This is a Sunday rerun!
See Chari for more Sunday reruns!

Today I was playing around with my “Book In a Box” as I call my box of things I saved from when I was teaching school. I saved items that the kids wrote or said that amused me. I am in the process of categorizing into Things they said, Things they did, and well just Things.

Here are some of the things they wrote. I’m telling you right now, these kids were brilliant! I taught them everything they knew.

All trees in Washington came from seeds that came from airplanes.
The governor of Texas has the right to paint his employees.
When the war broke out, they turned the mission into a fart.
Covered wagons were called prairie schooners because they were used to schoon the prairies.

Three characteristics that define a society are TVs, Parties, and Fashion. (The answer was supposed to be; organized religion, an established government, and a common language- but she was close!)

Some people in Taiwan right now are ball-headed.

If you ever get the chance to see sharks reproduce, take it!

Germany’s religion is similar to ours. They have a big building in the city.

Abe Lincoln got his face on our pannies.

I picked Wyoming for my state because it is easy to draw.

If a possum knows its going to lose, it just “aks”
dead and most of the time it works!

Orca whales have pimples around their eyes, like my big brother.

Mammals are worm blooded.

The big blue whale has baleen wich is his other teeth.

Funny things they said:
“My mom can play the tangerine really well.”

“My health report is on Alcohol and Neurotics.”(Narcotics)

“Since I’m half Jewish, tonight we’re going to light the harmonica.”

“Mrs. Guinn, you sound just like a cowgirl.” (And I had been trying SO hard to lose that Okie accent!)

“Mrs. Guinn, from the back, you look just like a kid, but from the front you look regular.

“Mrs. Guinn, I like you because you’re so normal.”
(Well, I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, but normal has never been one of them!)


Xazmin said...

hahaha! Too funny. Love that you have held onto those!

Mama-Face said...


This is priceless. I love TVs, Parties and Fashion!
Was I in your class?

Don't worry; I'm about 50 years older than you.

I just love this.

Housewife Savant said...

I've always thought shark reproduction would be darn good entertainment.

This is a delightful post!

Kat said...

These are too cute! I knew our Governor was allowed to do alot of things, but painting his employees is a new one on me lol. And the whale/brother pimples - too funny. I'm sure the big brother didn't find that one as amusing as I did. Thanks for sharing these, it did my heart good. Kathy

Furry Bottoms said...

It must be a joy to be a teacher for that age group! Kids just say the funniest things! :)

Pam @ Frippery said...

I am glad you look regular and not ball-headed.

Suzy said...

You gotta pay attention to that Abe Lincoln going thru our pannies.

Suzy said...

You gotta pay attention to that Abe Lincoln going thru our pannies.

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Hi Lynn!

Too funny! What a great sunday smile!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yup, Kroger stores double coupons and that is my main grocery store. Other stores will do double coupons from time to time but, Kroger does all the time.

Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Lynn...

Ohhh...I'm so glad that you made it for Sunday Favorites this week, my friend! Hey...better late than never!!!

What a great post...I just hehawed all the way through it! Girl, you should take your students things and write a book! I especially loved this one...“Mrs. Guinn, from the back, you look just like a kid, but from the front you look regular." Hehe!!! Too cute!!! Girl, this was sure did put a smile in my heart's true, kids do say the darndest things!!! Love it!!!

Hope that you're having a super Sunday!

Keetha Broyles said...

LOL! Very, very funny!

I'd been WONDERING what happened to all those farts.


Lynn Stevens said...

ROFL. out of the mouths of babes!
too funny.
Thank you for your recent visit to my blog aand your sweet words. I hope your friend made it over!

Candy said...

Cute little quotes saved by the 'normal' lady who looks different depending on whether she is coming or going. Thanks for sharing.
Hope you probe marks are healing and like the clever little uses of the furniture floor guards.
Oh, BTW, can your fall decorator come by and do my house too? Great job.
Happy MONDAY and look out for Lincoln on your pannies! ;-)

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Kids do say the darnedest things!!! Thanks for the laugh.

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh my gosh...those are great. Kids are priceless. Especially with words. Fab post -- loved it. And you must be a great teacher -- you clearly care. (And can pass as normal, now that's something to brag about!)

The Old Parsonage said...

This sounds like a Bill Cosby skit:)


Nancy said...

Another post was done today on your giveaway. I did change something just a little. Please stop.

I love your stories!

One Gal's Trash said...

My now 16 year old daughter Emma used to call a magnifying glass a "mighty fine glass". Which it sort of is when you think about it.
Have a good Tuesday!

MaryRC said...

those are seriously priceless... orcas and teenage brothers... my fave! LOL

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I like you because you're normal too. Lynn! :-)

Do you remember the Art Linkletter show called "Kids Say The Darndest Things"? I loved that show when I was a child.

Teachers are the best! Kudos to you.

Mama-Face said...
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