Thursday, May 14, 2009

Excellent Use for Tags

I have discovered a use for tags that I made and like to look at. Check it out. Here's a tip, however: Don't put loose charms on the tags that you will be using in the rooms where people might sleep. The clicking may annoy some people.
You will need to decorate both sides, of course.


Anonymous said...

Hello, it's Jennifer from MaidenShade - what a clever idea, very cute and would work so well in my house... with my 6 cats... hmmm, maybe not. But I LOVE them!


sunnymama said...

What a cute idea, they do look pretty!

Anonymous said...

I think that is a really good idea. I have an ugly bare chain that is screaming for something like this.

Gillian said...

Oh your tags are just Beautiful Lynn, and they look lovely hanging where everyone can see them :)

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Lynn! These are beautiful!!.. and I'm thinking... Wouldn't these make beautiful shade pulls too?!!... Luggage tags, somehow? Oh boy!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!